Saturday, September 18, 2010

Cue The Allman Brothers! I'm going home....

Living in California, everyone asks me what living in Arkansas for 18 years was like.  I think they half way expect me to say that life down south was terrible.  I only wish I could take all of them home with me and show them the Arkansas I know, full of warmth and good people, music and food.  I wish I could show them the people I grew up with, willing to give anyone a plate of food and a place to stay. I wish I could drive them two hours to Memphis and show them some of the best blues music they'll ever hear, or let them sit out by the river and listen to the silence you'll never find in Los Angeles.  Maybe then they would understand why all of my memories of Arkansas are nothing but the good stuff.  

No, I didn't want to stay in Arkansas forever.  The world is bigger than Arkansas.  But I take it with me wherever I am, and try to treat everyone with the same respect and love the people at home show me whenever I return.

Bear Skin Lake.  Scott, Arkansas.  
Quality listening time.